Do people really need a Time Trainer?

A question I’m asked a lot is “Do people really need a Time Trainer?” There are so many reasons why a Time Trainer is essential in helping someone achieve their goals whether they are to have more quality time with the kids, to write a book, or just to feel less stress from everyday life.  […]

How this client’s life was changed with Time Training

Do you feel overwhelmed a lot of the time? Not sure how to unpick the knot of to-dos and want-tos? I have a story to share that might resonate. I began working with a client who wanted to achieve their goal of managing their personal admin more efficiently as they were constantly behind and feeling […]

What’s your personal Everest that you’re trying to climb?

The other day a client described her goal to me as her “personal Everest” and I’ve been thinking of it ever since. So many of us have big dreams that seem impossible to accomplish.  And it’s easy to feel discouraged when you’re staring at a massive, seemingly insurmountable mountain like Everest.  I can’t even imagine […]

Four things to do when life gets too busy

Feeling overwhelmed?  It’s a very strange time we’re currently experiencing. Whether you’re in Melbourne and going through another lockdown or not. I swing from feeling that it’s all very surreal, to feeling mind-boggled, to being okay with it and liking this ‘new normal’. I’m sure you’re facing your own array of reactions and doing what […]

Making sure goal obsession doesn’t stop from enjoying the NOW

In a recent survey I conducted, people described a goal as the following: A purpose. A Mission.         Something achievable, something concrete, it’s about getting results.  It’s something you aim for in a set standard of time and it’s broken down into manageable chunks. It’s a destination, it’s somewhere I want to be and it’s not […]

If you get stuck, do this one thing

I talk a lot about breaking things down into small steps. In fact, stupid small is how small the step should be as writer Stephen Guise says in his book Mini Habits: Smaller Habits, Bigger Results. I rewatched Frozen 2 the other weekend and heard the process very well articulated by Anna in her song […]

16 things I do that keep my productive

A friend of mine complimented me the other day on my stamina to keep going for my business dreams. It got me thinking about the things I do regularly to keep me productive and progressing towards my goals every single day. I came up with 16 things and they are: I get at least 7 […]

Creating a vision that helps define your action steps

Let’s talk about visions. They are what you have in mind for your future, what will satisfy you and who you want to be as a person. Supporting this are the goals that you’d like to achieve in order to make that vision a reality. These goals tie into each area of your life. They […]