Client Experiences

From Overwhelmed to Empowered with Anna

Working with Christie has been life-changing, her wealth of knowledge is amazing and it has brought me so much stress relief and more time to do the things I love, in my business and private life. I'm excited to continue my journey with her as every session I'm learning so many new skills. I can only recommend her services to anyone that feels overwhelmed not knowing where to start. She has a great step by step progress that makes you feel accomplished so you just want to keep going.

A realistic idea of time for David

Working with Christie has been a game changer for me. As someone who has juggled and struggled to manage my workload, the simple skills and knowledge Christie has shared with me have completely changed the way I approach my work. I feel a sense of control and ease when I look at my week ahead and have complete confidence that I can get all my tasks completed. And even more wonderfully, if I can't get things done, I know this in advance due to the level of planning and control I have over my time. My biggest takeaway would be that I now have a realistic idea of how much time I have in a week and what I can accomplish in that time. Stress and anxiety are a thing of the past!

Navigating Everyday Life with Holistic Coaching for Li

I worked with Christie weekly for over a year. We focused on a whole range of areas from managing my housework, setting up my Gmail accounts and calendars, working through my emails and online drives to planning my work days and processes. It has been so helpful to have someone support me through this and help me to plan and decide the best ways to structure my days. Christie is also like an accountability partner, helping me to make sure tasks get done. We discuss what has stopped me from completing tasks and look for ways to overcome it - e.g. Pomodoro technique. It's challenging to find services/people to meet the needs of women with autism/ADHD. I just wanted to share that I have found Christie to be really helpful. I feel more organised and less overwhelmed in my daily life. She is really lovely.

Managing a huge workload with Ali

Working with Christie has helped immensely with my workload and time management, with some tools I already had (!) she has worked with me to create systems and habits that have made me feel less overwhelmed. So much that on our last session I was so organised I wondered what we'd talk about! Christie was kind and patient while offering advice tailored to my situation, I highly recommend working with her.

Managing all the hats of business with Leesa

I was referred to Christie when I was lamenting my lack of time management and productivity skills to a work associate. She immediately gave me Christie's details. I'm so grateful that she did. Working with Christie has been amazing. I'm finally learning the skills that I need to manage my diary, my clients, time management, prioritising immediate and ongoing tasks. Christie imparts her knowledge in a non-judgemental and understanding way. She is happy to answer any of my questions, however silly they sound to me.

Holistic work with Zoe

Christie's techniques have totally changed all aspects of my life, from managing my workload to household tasks and getting ready on time. I now have techniques to manage my emails, manage deadlines and can use my calendar to assist me. Christie has also helped me evaluate my life goals and given me steps to help bring those goals to life. I would recommend Christie to anyone struggling with time management or who simply want help managing their workload and look forward to working with her again in the future.

Personal Growth with Caitlin

Christie from florandorder has been mentoring me for the past few years. I am staggered by my personal growth which I have experienced over this time. We have worked on a broad range of personal and professional lessons which have contributed to my business approach and also quality of my overall life. I would highly recommend working with Christie to get to the next level!

Breaking tasks down with Tania

When I first met Christie, I was in the midst of an absolute personal crisis. As a single mother of three, working as a frontline essential health care worker AND trying to keep my small business alive during COVID I was stressed out of my mind.

I felt overwhelmed and was drowning with the demands of managing my business while struggling to meet the ups and downs of family life. Christie was very valuable in helping me identify where to start in what seemed like an overwhelming mess.

During my goal strategy session, she quickly identified my needs, helped me prioritize and break down my most impending business issues into manageable bite-size pieces which in turn allowed me time and space to focus on more pressing family needs.

Her suggestions were clear, practical and straightforward to implement which enabled me to keep things moving forward and at the same time setting up for expansion. I came away feeling motivated and with a sigh of relief. I can highly recommend her services to get the most productivity from your valuable time and most importantly, choice in where you spend it.

Making weeks productive with Jo

After my first session with Christie I had the most productive week in years! And it even included a 3 day holiday with my family. Christie taught me how to plan my time in advance, and to create a visually appealing and balanced calendar combining work, family and fun. It’s got me excited about my days and keeping me productive and present. Highly recommend!

Managing Overwhelm with Georgia

I sought some coaching help from Christie at a point when I was feeling totally overwhelmed with how to manage my time and prioritise my work in order to make progress with my business. I wish I had found her sooner because from the very first session I felt relieved, supported and so much more motivated!

During our sessions Christie quickly helped me to improve and structure my weekly calendar and prioritising skills, and clarify my vision and big picture goals. She also provided generous recommendations for resources to follow up and simple, manageable strategies to feel more in control of my time. I always came away from my sessions feeling calmer, clearer and more inspired to take my next steps!

What I especially valued is her holistic, personalised approach. Christie helped me with improving my mindset, and with understanding how managing my overall health and energy levels is so important to improving my productivity. She gave me the confidence to try new ideas and approaches whilst tuning into my own intuition to do things in a way that worked for me.

Her encouraging, insightful and heart-centred approach has helped me to feel so much clearer and more inspired about what I’m doing and where I’m headed in my business. I get so much from our sessions both personally and professionally.

Christie is an absolute delight to work with. I would enthusiastically recommend her to anyone needing some clarity, encouragement and actionable steps towards feeling more in control of their schedule, their business or their general life goals and wellbeing.

Making life fun again with Angie

Christie who is Florandorder has changed my life. Christie popped up on my radar right when I had got to the point in my life where I couldn’t live the way I was living anymore! I was just floating through life, putting things in my calendar but double booking myself with verbal agreements and not changing it in my calendar. I was a mess, and upsetting important people in my life with my disorganisation in the process.

I hardly ever met up with my friends and I’d just hope for the best but never could organise myself to see people and make them a priority in my life. Now I schedule in to see my friends and family, as well as make calls to FaceTime people who I can’t meet up with in person! I’m so happy with this change!

My productivity in my business was low, because things that were too hard were put aside. Christie works with me to work out a plan and it’s then easy to manage and I can set myself up to succeed, rather than fail! These tasks are then transformed and are actually fun to rather than a drag and a burden to take on.

Christie listens to me and where I’m at on any given day and works with whatever is there for me in our sessions. Things that I think I’ll put aside for another day because I have no idea how to go about doing it, or where to even begin, actually get dealt with right away! I really get so much out of our sessions, on a personal level and for my business. She is my all rounder coach working with whatever is present in life and works through strategies with me to succeed in life!

I’ve never met anyone in my life who listens to me like Christie! She individualises our sessions to suit me! The focus and attention she gives me in a one hour session sets me up for my week ahead! I’m so grateful to have met Christie and have her as my coach! I highly recommend her!

Organising life with Dean

Christie’s input has been invaluable in time management and organisational skills for both personal and business life. I feel that she has given me the tools to organise my life and not feel overwhelmed. Most issues in life arise because we are all “too busy”. Having worked with Christie, the time that I have gained back with her guidance has been invaluable.

Keeping things simple with Jacqueline

Christie is an amazing person to talk to. You will connect with her instantly. She is not only a great listener but also empathetic She is well read too. She makes things that appear difficult seem a lot easier. She has taught me how to break tasks down in order to make it achievable and above all, to keep it simple and realistic. I recommend her to anyone who is feeling lost especially during these tough times.

Getting to Inbox Zero with Nathalie

Thank you so much for your guidance in getting on top of my digital clutter from old email accounts. I confess I was slightly embarrassed, given my mindfulness background, but your lovely personality made the project simple, achievable and light. The clever approach your suggested worked SO well and I was surprised how on Earth it didn’t occur to me before. But hey, that is because YOU are the expert in this space, the organising queen. Thanks a lot! May you continue to help making people’s lives easier, lighter and more productive 😊🙏

Finding solutions with Meg

Christie is just amazing as far as I’m concerned, and she doesn’t have to do anything for her to create a calmness because it just exists within her. She is such a thoughtful person and she can bring settling and peace and calm to any situation just by walking in the room, because she holds this energy of being able to solve problems and of being able to explain things in a way that makes sense.
And so with this quality that’s just innate with her, she can solve your problem and explain it and create a system that makes sense to you. One that you want, one that will help you create the change that you want. She’s not going to implement something that has no resonance to you, it will be a perfect solution. It will take into account how you need the solution to work and it will be done effortlessly.
And I think one of the beautiful things that Christie brings to anyone who works with her is this sense of peacefulness and that it’s “just right”. It’s meant to be this way and she creates it.
So, I wish you well in working with Christie because she’s incredible. And I think if you are feeling overwhelmed, because anyone looking for change is feeling overwhelmed, you will get change in bucket loads and you will be so happy.

Life admin with Bridget

When I started coaching sessions with Christie at the beginning of the year, my goal was to ‘manage my personal admin more efficiently’. At the end of six coaching sessions, I have achieved much more than that.

I can summarise my experience as delivering six key benefits (although there are probably more).

1. I have a greater tendency to plan/think ahead and a willingness to tackle more difficult tasks that I would have neglected previously (particularly during Winter).

2. I have more momentum, direction and energy to be organised and find new areas of my life I can simplify and systematise.

3. I am able to save money by being more prepared (in more ways than I could have anticipated).

4. I am able to eat better by being more organised, which translates into more energy – this outcome was also unexpected.

5. My house is easy to keep tidy because everything has a place and I am a lot more disciplined in keeping it that way.

6. When my life admin is streamlined and part of a routine, I am more efficient and have more time. As a consequence I’m more relaxed and able to dedicate more time to the most important things/people in my life.

I would recommend Christie’s coaching sessions to anyone who feels weighed down by their ‘to-do’ list, wants their house to look like a vogue magazine, or just requires some simple tips to balance their priorities more effectively.

Resourceful with Liz C.

Christie single-handedly changed my life!

With her resourcefulness and can-do attitude I was amazed with how we were able to make things suit my needs and to work for me.

I feel much more confident to change things to work for me after having worked with her.

Lightbulb with Stu

Christie is the reason that I don’t forget my work pass anymore. By asking one question “What’s something you never forget?” she made lightbulbs go off in my head and I realised that I needed a card holder attached to my phone! From that day on I’ve never forgotten my work pass, my day flows better and I feel more respected by my boss and colleagues.

Motivation with Andy

Excellent service; Christie was wonderful and got us motivated to getting our storage area sorted.

Great value too. Thanks Christie.

Personal Organisation with Duy

Christie has given me so many valuable advice in the areas of personal organisation and time management. One of the most memorable advice I received from Christie was “everything has to have a home” and to date that has helped me a lot. From remembering where my keys and my wallets are in the morning to putting paperwork/clothing/”you name it” … in the right places.

I undertook one of flor&order’s time management classes and I’ve learned to better organise my priorities so I can be on time to attend the important things in my daily life. I went from always late to be regularly on time, ~80% and improving! I highly recommend anyone who’s looking to improve their organisation (therefore enjoying the more important things in life) to start now and give it a go.

Goal setting with Ruth

I am a mum who runs my own business and I was really struggling to keep on top of the juggle. I was writing notes on scraps of paper, running multiple notebooks for different tasks and feeling completely scattered. I was also wasting precious time trying to find importation information and remember where everything was. After just a few hours with Christie, I already feel so much more in control of my to-do list.

We have set up a really simple system for getting all my thoughts down, then transferring to short, medium and long-term goals. It feels completely achievable and SO much easier than what I was doing.

Christie even sat patiently beside me and helped me engage with some technology I have been avoiding, which is going to be an enormous benefit to my work practices. I cannot believe how much we got done in such a short time.

If you are feeling inefficient and out of control, I cannot recommend Christie enough to help get you back on track. And she is a lovely person to boot. You won’t regret it.

Calendering with Angela

I wanted to remember more of what I’ve done and experienced over the past months and Christie introduced to me calendering. It’s the idea of using a calendar as a collection point for mementos. I adopted it immediately and it has definitely improved my memory.

I recall places I’ve eaten at and the yummy food I ate there now, the movies I’ve seen and loved, and the races I’ve had so much fun participating in. This is working for me and I look forward to adding stuff to my calendar – even my partner reminds me to grab something to put on my calendar!

Tools with Craig

Christie Flora is an incredible asset, whose insights and experience in organizing is phenomenally well suited to helping people reach their own goals.

She provides a variety of approaches and mental tools aimed at helping her clients start, plan, craft and finish. I can’t recommend her enough to anyone currently stuck or treading water on a goal or project. She has certainly been of great help to me, I only wish I could have had her help sooner.

Thank You Christie!

Chaos + Order with Richard

I asked Christie to help me get some kind of order out of the seeming chaos that was my office. A tough task I thought however, she helped me tackle the task with ease.

She helped and guided me through the process from start to finish – including re-orientating my desk which has transformed my working space beyond belief. I feel heaps more organised now and it’s great that everything has its place now.

I find I work more efficiently and effectively and my staff all love the new setup. I cannot thank Christie enough and would (and have) highly recommend her to everyone.
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