Use time management skills to streamline your life admin approach

I recently was a guest on the Life Admin Life Hacks podcast

A podcast that gives listeners back time, money, peace of mind and household harmony. In this episode, we talked about many aspects of time management. The highlights of our chat included:

The highlights

  • the way we live our lives is changing and we are changing time as we work more flexibly and remotely
  • time management is not a one-size-fits-all solution and your approach needs to adapt over time-based on the chapter of your life
  • time management is actually about accommodating your energy and attention, recognising that you have different energy levels on different days and at different times of the day 
  • everyone has a unique relationship with and perception of time
  • observing yourself when you are procrastinating or distracted to break down your habits and create new habits
  • undertaking a time audit for two weeks: using a reminder on your phone or using a digital time tracker to help you diagnose your time management challenges
  • how setting goals helps you manage your time with intention
  • how our values can guide what we focus on and are the basis of our goals
  • the difference between productivity (getting the right things done) and efficiency( getting things done with the least amount of effort)
  • getting out of the “busyness” competition
  • thinking of your calendar as your best friend and having a shared family calendar to manage family logistics
  • to-do lists are a capture tool and if tasks will take longer than 10 minutes they should be included in your calendar
  • scheduling an Hour of Power in your calendar for chunky life admin tasks
  • scheduling planning time to review your calendar.

You can listen to the episode here.

Let me know what your favourite part was in the comments below!

Talk soon,


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