Staying somewhere that isn’t familiar brings out the differences in people. Two broad categories that show up are nesters and tornadoes. Nesters come in, secure an area and return their possessions to that point, in comparison, tornadoes unpack everything on arrival, use all available space and their possessions end up scattered everywhere. One type needs to look under the bed before leaving just in case and the other type knows that there is nothing under there because they didn’t put anything there.
I fall into the nester category and I recently had an experience that made me grateful for it. The experience made me consider that organisation is a silent support that can be counted on in times of need.
In my case, I was the only one present when my friend started to have a serious medical emergency late at night, my nesting tendency meant that I was able to quickly call for help and be effective. Likewise, before heading off in the ambulance I was able to grab a set of clothes and all essentials set for a full change at the hospital. I didn’t have to think and I didn’t second guess myself, I just knew that I was covered. Organising had my back!
Hours and hours later in Emergency, my phone was nearing empty and I was again so grateful that I had organised packing a spare battery in my day bag. It was the little things at that stage that were keeping me grounded and seeing that spare battery was just like getting a huge hug. And in a way it was because it kept me connected to my sister who was supporting me via text message on the other side of the world.
Since then I’ve stayed in other rooms that aren’t my regular place of abode and I have renewed vigor in nesting. When you have a strong experience of something working for you it becomes easier and easier to keep the habit up.
What are your habits when staying somewhere unfamiliar?
Organising heart, head, and home