Michael Turner
Executive Coach
- Keep your work and personal email separate to allow for work/life balance and for smooth transitions further down the track
- Write everything down. Empty your brain!
- Exercise assists in being productive. As well as keeping our bodies and mind fit and healthy, it gives us perspective.
Michael is passionate about people and organisations moving from better to best. Michael is a seasoned Coach, Consultant and Executive with extensive experience in growing leadership capability and delivering sustainable outperformance.
What is your best email management tip?
Establish email windows and stick to them. I use three windows: 8am, 12pm and 4 or 5pm.
What’s something you do for yourself every week to recharge?
I do a morning workout six days per week with my kids.
What are three things someone could do to move from better to best?
1. Be clear about their why
2. Define the strategy that will help them realise their why and write it down!
3. Never give up!
Contact Michael via michael@bettertobest.com.au to receive a complimentary 50-minute coaching session!