Don’t aim to save time, spend it wisely instead

In a conversation the other day, someone asked me “What are you saving time for?” To be honest I blanked. After a moment of thinking about it, I answered them honestly: “Well, I don’t save time, I’m just ON time. I know what’s important to me and I spend time on those things.” I get […]

When did you last check-in with your routines?

Time awareness has been coming up a lot with my clients of late. Often people lose a lot of time doing necessary, repetitious tasks in an inconsistent or incomplete manner. Then what happens is that people are left coping with their poor performance or the poor results rather than on having a great life. I […]

The power of Body Doubling

There’s an ADD-friendly approach to staying on track that is called ‘body doubling’. Over my time working with many different people I’ve found that this approach is helpful for people who don’t have ADD as much as those who do. Basically ‘body doubling’ is when someone is present with someone else while they get a […]

The comfort of structure

Remember when you were in school and there was an often-invisible framework of frequent homework and tests, as well as structure provided by classes, sports, activities, jobs, and parents, that kept you on track and moving forward? And then you get out of school and the framework disappears completely but the tasks you’re required to […]

Getting the hardest thing done first

Eat that frog. Seize the morning. You’ve probably heard these phrases before. And for good reason. Tasks that you dread doing, and wish would disappear never leave your consciousness for long. Getting them done is where the relief lies. And there are solid reasons for getting the hardest thing done first besides the relief. It […]

How to get back the sparkle in your life with more balance

I’m often asked about work/life balance and how to get more of it in our busy lives. And it’s no wonder that this is a hot topic. Often when we’re feeling out of balance it can cause a lot of undue stress and overwhelm. Plus life lacks that sparkle that makes all the gruelling annoying […]

Celebrating productivity wins (and how to use this in other life areas)

I was having a conversation with a woman the other day who’d rung me to discuss helping her 16-year-old daughter with studying. At one point she said to me “I can see that she does well in some areas but that she doesn’t apply what went well THERE to the areas that need help.”  I […]

The Unspoken Difficulties of Delegating (and Why It’s Important)

I’m working with a client who knew from the beginning of our engagement that delegating was a huge issue for them. It was an issue not only because it was blocking them from managing their time better but also because it was uncomfortable for them to admit that they had underlying trust issues. This is […]