Do you need extra time for that?

One of my favourite things when working with clients is to use the Zoom share screen tool to view and discuss a client’s upcoming week. I ask a whole bunch of questions and sometimes they sound basic but often these are the ones that tap into the most useful lessons. Recently with one client, I […]

What to do with all those notebooks that are full of ideas?

Do you take notes? During meetings? During client calls? During presentations? During courses? When making appointments? Maybe you doodle while speaking with friends and family? And what do you do with those notes afterwards? During a session recently, a client of mine laughed that she has many ‘Maybe Never Do Notebooks’. They give her anxiety […]

How to prioritise where to spend your money

This blog post was prompted by a question a fellow small business owner asked me during a virtual coffee. I wanted to write up the transcript of our call because it is so relevant to anyone seeking to engage hired support in their life. I don’t often write about money in relation to time management […]

How simple can you make it

Sometimes when working on projects or ongoing tasks, we can lose track of where we are up to. I find that this happens with clients and for myself as well. When we’re plugging away at something, we need to look up every so often to remember where we’re heading and what the point of it […]

Is your sleep helping your productivity?

Self-care, rest, and sleep are the unsung heroes of productivity. Often these three basic human needs are brushed aside in our fast paced world because they don’t correlate directly to output.  And because their connection to our productivity is not very obvious, they are the first things to go when someone finds that they have […]

Getting things done does not mean doing it all today

I’ve been getting into Crystal Art since the start of Melbourne’s last lockdown. It’s similar to paint by numbers but instead of paint, you apply small crystals to a sticky board. I’ve found it very therapeutic and relaxing over the last few months. The other day I spilled one of the crystal packets all over […]

Three tips to keep you going

Choice overload is a real thing. I feel it. My clients feel it. My friends and family feel it. Modern-day society offers us soooo much choice that deciding what to turn our attention to and in what order, is a task in itself. As an aside: Thanks for reading this blog post as I know […]

Come back to your unique situation – what feels right to you?

I have a mentor who often pushes me out of my comfort zone. It’s fabulous because that’s a) what I need to grow, and b) why I hired them. But sometimes I need to push back on some of their recommendations because they either aren’t for me and/or don’t suit my energy levels. Often when […]