Embrace Tailored Solutions: Breaking Free from the ‘One Size Fits All’ Mindset

How often have you blown things out of proportion? I know that I’m guilty of it! Today, we’re going to explore this common challenge, particularly when it comes to our personal productivity and the solutions we seek. The Blame Game: It’s a situation I encounter often when working with new clients. During their initial stages […]

Simplify Your Inbox for a Relaxing Holiday Season and Productive Return

Ho, ho, ho! With the holiday season literally around the corner, I’m here to share some practical advice on email organisation that will help you enjoy a stress-free break and hit the ground running when you return to work. If you’re ready to simplify your inbox, follow these steps: Before Before you turn on your […]

Conquering FOMO at Work: How to Stay Productive and Maintain Focus

I recently was feeling torn between two tasks. I couldn’t focus on either properly and they both seemed to be equally important. As a result, I was all over the shop. I realised that what I was feeling was “Fear of Missing Out” (FOMO). But in the context of my work! I know that FOMO […]

What are you willing to do for a new life?

Life, as we know it, is a journey filled with twists and turns, highs and lows, and a constant ebb and flow of experiences. Yet, it’s often easy to fall into the comfort of routine, even when that routine isn’t serving us as well as it could. The truth is, if you’re yearning for a […]

Setting Your Start and Stop Times for a More Balanced Life

I often say to people, getting organised isn’t a one-time event; it’s like getting fit in that way. It’s a lifestyle that requires constant attention. This principle is especially crucial for those who work for themselves and have more control over their schedules. Without well-defined boundaries, work can quickly encroach on personal life, leading to […]

Achieving Work-Life Balance: Nurturing Yourself During Job Transitions

Do you remember the last time you started a new job? Maybe you’re going through that now. It’s something that most people have done several times in their lives and as you probably remember, it can be a whirlwind of new experiences, responsibilities, and learning. The Power of Calendars and Task Management Systems I’ve worked […]

Always forget to check your calendar? Here’s what to do to build that habit

A client said to me recently “I’m sick of forgetting everything… but I also forget to check my calendar…” As you probably know by now, I think calendaring is essential for both work and personal use. I keep my Google Calendar open on my browser tab all day and frequently check the mobile app as […]

Nurturing Work-Life Balance in Higher Positions: Your Guide to Thriving

Stepping up into a higher position has been the reason that several clients have wanted to work with me. Adapting to the increased demands that come with higher positions is no small feat. As professionals progress in their careers and assume higher positions, upskilling efficiency and effectiveness skills, and striking a balance between work and […]