What would your calendar 3D print out look like?

“How do you make this person more powerful at what she does?” I loved it! What a great question. And what immediately came to mind was: let’s improve their rocky personal relationship with time and help them feel good about their calendar, so that no matter what’s on, they feel supported and in control!

A great investment

It may sound too simple but calendaring is a great investment in becoming better at what you do. Not only does it increase productivity but it contributes towards good mental health. Calendars have the power to ease anxiety and to comfort us in times of stress. I know this from personal experience. And look, it’s a bold claim, but I personally believe that someone’s calendar is 3D print out of their mindset. Like that old adage that a messy desk equals a messy mind. Someone’s calendar can tell you what they value, where their time is going, how balanced they are and if they are likely to achieve their goals that they’ve set.

Approaching your calendar like a 3D print out is a great way of designing and actioning your life. All projects consist of single actions, most of which narrow down to picking up the phone, explaining something to someone, Googling someone’s contact information, writing up a document, or putting together a proposal. Once you’ve broken down the projects into their smaller steps and have a plan, it’s easy to make progress if you stay focused on the requirements of the moment, and only zoom out in order to figure out what they are. Your calendar can help you with this by reminding you every day of what the next step is so your brain is free to think on other things. Fresher things!

But a calendar isn’t just a tool, it’s a partner in life. Nobody else in my life knows exactly what’s going on for me or knows where I will be 24/7, 168 hours a week like my calendar. If I ever go missing or die (morbid I know, but stay with me!), my family will have access to my Calendar password via LastPass Emergency Access which will then assist them in being able to take care of my affairs. What a great next of kin is that?!

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On that cheery note, ha! If you want more help with setting up your calendar, have a read of this blog post or book in a call with me.

Talk soon,

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