Do you fear failure? Are you great at starting things but not finishing?
Well, let’s have a chat about preparing for failure in a positive way.
To make mistakes is human. But failure is often looked at with a different and let’s be honest, a self-damaging lens. Failure is often taken personally. But there’s also the opportunity to see a situation or goal in a different light because of a said ‘failure’.
Life is often outside of our control. I’d go as far as to say that learning to flow with change is one of life’s biggest lessons and hasn’t 2020 highlighted that? When you change one area of your life, other areas start to change too. By being flexible and going with the flow, avenues open up that you may have not considered and this helps make setbacks easier to handle.
Active participant
Goal setting is a wonderful thing that allows us to dream and set course towards the life that we wish to live. Following through on a journey is rewarding and inspiring to yourself and others and if it looks a little different at the end compared to what you thought it would be when you started. That’s okay too.
When you set goals, you’re not letting life happen to you anymore. Instead, you are being an active participant and living life to the fullest.
Let me know how you handle setbacks by shooting me an email. And when you want to get my help personally, get in touch and we can see what option works best for you.

Talk soon,