Woo hoo! I love birthdays. Made it another year! Woo hoo! Feels good to reflect and think back on the year that was. All that I’ve learnt and all that I’ve experienced. Some don’t get as many years as I have and for that I’m very grateful.
Last year a friend sent me this lovely message:
Happy Birthday 🥳 🥳🥳🥳 Hope you’re having a lovely day, whether it’s a relaxing or productive day XX
Designing our lives
I liked it not only because they had remembered my birthday (thank you!) but because of the freedom it gave me to enjoy my day however I liked. There are many ways to do or enjoy something but sometimes we, as a society, can fall into the trap of thinking that something must look a certain way. And celebrations are no different. What do we see in advertisements constantly? That a celebration must include a bunch of people drinking and basically partying. But that’s not everyone’s way of celebrating.
As you may have noticed if you’ve been reading my content for a while now, I’m a huge self-care advocate. Relaxing only enhances productivity and it’s an important part of life. But sometimes I find that relaxation and being productive overlap for me. I can be having the best Sunday, feel really refreshed but I’ve also accomplished quite a lot in the eyes of others. My laundry is done, my meal prep is done, I’ve attended to some personal emails, and I’ve watched two movies – wonderful!
And the same can be said for birthdays. I’ve had years where I was very much against working on my birthday and years when I didn’t mind. The years when I didn’t mind was because I enjoyed what I was working on. It was aligned with my big picture goals and what makes me happy and feel fulfilled.
So what does this year’s birthday DAY have in store? Well, it falls on a Friday so I’ll be serving a couple of clients and attending to a bit of admin but I’ll scale things back. I’ll take a lighter approach to the day but still get into all the things that I love about my business. That feels both relaxing and productive.
What are your thoughts about working on your birthday? Do you mind or not?
Talk soon,