Organise your life

Master your to-do list, excel at life, and enjoy every day.

Program overview

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to organise your life, but there are simple tools and techniques that can help you simplify your day.

Christie is an experienced time trainer who can work with you to:

  • Give the important people and projects in your life the time and attention they deserve
  • Not feel like you are rushing and instead feel in control of your time
  • Structure your day and week so you feel fulfilled and successful
  • Find the time to do the things you love
  • Avoid stress, overwhelm and burn out!

Did you know that almost a third of Australians will experience anxiety in their lifetime? When commitments begin to pile up, this can add unnecessary stress and pressure to your days.

Christie can help you adopt new techniques to manage your days or be your phone-a friend when things get too busy.


Subscribe for free fortnightly insights

Christie will send you time tips, tools and techniques to help you avoid overwhelm and get on top of your busy life.
  • Tips and tricks straight to your inbox.

Three-hour intensive

Want some solutions NOW? Over three hours, we’ll review your digital workspace organisation,
your workflow and your calendaring skills. We’ll also address your most pressing can’t-get-through-it issue and together
we’ll find easy steps for you to follow so you can start feeling on top of your life. At the end of the session, you’ll feel sorted without the stress.
$ 900 PLUS GST
  • A 3 hour smash it sesh - online coaching session
  • Personalised Plan of Action
  • 15 minute accountability follow-up session

Regular one-on-one coaching

Looking to make a change? Revolutionise the way you live your life, ditch the stress and start to make real changes in managing your time and achievements?
Over our sessions, we work through your specific relationship with time and find the blockages around technical skills, work, stress and responsibility
that are getting in your way. Christie will be by your side, stepping into your shoes to find solutions that are right for you,
delivering the program in a way, and over a period that suits you.
$ 4,500 PLUS GST
  • 12 x 1 hour-long video call coaching sessions
  • 1 hour per month of phone and email support
  • Everlasting Triumph Tracker
  • Tailored research between sessions

Bespoke package

Work with Christie to build a solution that suits you, your life and your budget.
  • Catered to your budget
  • Ultimate flexibility
  • Can be scaled up or down as needed

Who is Christie?

Hi. My name is Christie, and I’m here to help you.

Over the last eight years as a Time Management Coach and Holistic Time Trainer, I’ve learned that when someone feels overwhelmed in one area of their life (usually work) it can spill into all areas of their life, creating a big-ol-mess.

Sometimes all it takes is someone to guide you through a short, dedicated period of organisation, prioritisation and planning – it could change your life. It’s why I’m so passionate about coaching – to witness those moments of transformation in my client’s life is truly an honour. 

Imagine feeling centred and strong – confident you can handle everything on your life and work “to-do” lists in a positive and productive way.

For a moment envisage a day where you’re finishing work on time and with a smile on your face because you know you’ve nailed it.

Imagine achieving that long-awaited ambition or goal you’ve had on your list and secretly thought was out of reach.

These are the big life moments I help my clients reach in my one-on-one coaching program. Book a free consultation to see how I can do the same for you!