For the last month or so I have been trying not to think about how much I dislike my most useful nude bra and how much my second in command nude bra is not fitting very well… and then possibly because I had bras on the brain, how very tired my black bra looks now too. My system is buying one black bra and one nude (for me it’s of the beige variety) bra and wearing them to death. Over the years I’ve found that I just don’t need an array of colours and cuts – two basic bras in a light and a dark serve me for pretty much any occasion. I find in winter I rely on black bras more than my nude bras and the opposite in summer when it’s all about the nude. I haven’t bought white bras for years since I prefer the invisible factor of a beige coloured bra against my skin.
While contemplating buying new bras, the possibility that my boobs may just be having a fleeting change of shape and so, really, I don’t need to buy new ones kept lapping through my mind. So I bit the bullet and went to Lin and Barrett in the Canberra Centre for a fitting. To be honest though, it was time to refresh my bra wardrobe. I bought the before mentioned bras in Las Vegas in October 2013 based on a fitting done some time ago and they were a bargain (LOVE SHOPPING IN THE STATES!) so really, it was time. The prices in America practically forced me out of my cycle that I had had in place for a number of years of purchasing one black and one nude bra, wear for 6 months to a year (depending on quality), chuck (because Vinnie’s doesn’t deserve my used and no-longer-supporting-anything bras) and buy two new ones, repeat. So yes, America forced me to buy four bras.
The staff at Lin and Barret are terrific and know so much more about boobs and bras than I do that I am more than happy to hand myself over to them. Under their guidance, I tried on a number of bra styles and cup size and shapes and phew! my boobs haven’t changed shape, my current bras have just done all they can for me. It really is fascinating how different bra brands can be and how the best style can just transform what you got.
The bra I ended up liking the best, which felt functional but has a touch of prettiness, ended up being one of the more expensive options. And I had to have it in nude and black… so…. Ce le vie! Whipping my phone out of my bag, I stood in the change room and did some calculations to calm my money conscious self. So, two bras at $140 each, 365 days in a year, I’ll wear each an estimated 182 times, so… really that is only .76c per wear. Bargain! Proper support cannot be compromised I feel. With that I walked out of the change rooms feeling confident and much calmer pulling out my debit card at the counter.
Now! The therapeutic element of bra shopping and my bra wardrobe update cycle system – saying goodbye to the old bras, thanking them for all they’ve done for me and releasing all the ‘baggage’ that has attached to them. To mark the occasion I wrapped the four old ones in the tissue paper that the new ones came in and then walked them out to the bin. Goodbye tiredness and bring on the good times ahead!