The Art and Science of Determining Priorities

Our choices dictate what we spend our time on and what we do and don’t have space for in our lives. So how do we make sure that everything we say yes to is of value to us and the vision that we have of our life? Reactive vs Proactive By prioritising! Priorities are the […]

How to stop scrolling on social media

Procrastination is one of the biggest concerns I hear from clients. And scrolling on Facebook or Instagram is one of the most cited culprits these days. I’m not immune to finding myself caught in a scroll cycle either but here are some of my methods for pulling myself out: Methods 1. I give myself two […]

Organising home life: Sharing the domestic and emotional load at home

In recent months, I have had the opportunity to work with a growing number of couples to increase their efficiency at home, which I absolutely love to do! The sessions have been about clarifying how to reprioritise their time, reconnecting with values and needs, organising personal affairs and life admin, and upping self-care and fun […]

The basics of project planning

I love hearing about my clients’ big ideas and the projects that they’ve decided to spend time on. The hugeness of a project is often what trips them up though. It’s what kills the motivation and spirit that first brought the project to life. This is often where I will say ‘chunk it down’ to […]

Three FAQ about working with a Time Trainer

The top 3 questions that I’m asked about working with me: 1. What are your methods? My method is generally to take a client through three stages. The first stage is to put out the fires. My clients have called me because something has become too much. So this is what we deal with straight […]

Strategies to help boost your working memory

Our brains need support. They are fantastic at thinking up new ideas but not so great at holding on to all of them in our working memory (the more active version of short-term memory). Working memory relates to the information we can pay attention to and manipulate at one time. In fact, researchers put the […]

Close all your tabs to claim back your focus

I have to say, I love that feeling of exiting many tabs after I’ve completed a task. It could be that I was writing something and I’ve closed off all my research pages. Or I had to update my social pages so have clicked out of Facebook, LinkedIn, Google My Business and the master document. […]