What to do with all those notebooks that are full of ideas?

Do you take notes? During meetings? During client calls? During presentations? During courses? When making appointments? Maybe you doodle while speaking with friends and family? And what do you do with those notes afterwards? During a session recently, a client of mine laughed that she has many ‘Maybe Never Do Notebooks’. They give her anxiety […]

Getting things done does not mean doing it all today

I’ve been getting into Crystal Art since the start of Melbourne’s last lockdown. It’s similar to paint by numbers but instead of paint, you apply small crystals to a sticky board. I’ve found it very therapeutic and relaxing over the last few months. The other day I spilled one of the crystal packets all over […]

Three tips to keep you going

Choice overload is a real thing. I feel it. My clients feel it. My friends and family feel it. Modern-day society offers us soooo much choice that deciding what to turn our attention to and in what order, is a task in itself. As an aside: Thanks for reading this blog post as I know […]

The comfort of structure

Remember when you were in school and there was an often-invisible framework of frequent homework and tests, as well as structure provided by classes, sports, activities, jobs, and parents, that kept you on track and moving forward? And then you get out of school and the framework disappears completely but the tasks you’re required to […]

Are you procrastinating or doing the right thing for yourself?

Procrastination… It’s a tough one. And many people say that they have problems with it. Clients come to work with me lamenting that they procrastinate too much and that’s why they get nothing done. But sometimes I’d argue, we’re just not meant to do that thing being procrastinated on’. Ancient Greek philosophers like Socrates and […]

Celebrating productivity wins (and how to use this in other life areas)

I was having a conversation with a woman the other day who’d rung me to discuss helping her 16-year-old daughter with studying. At one point she said to me “I can see that she does well in some areas but that she doesn’t apply what went well THERE to the areas that need help.”  I […]

The Unspoken Difficulties of Delegating (and Why It’s Important)

I’m working with a client who knew from the beginning of our engagement that delegating was a huge issue for them. It was an issue not only because it was blocking them from managing their time better but also because it was uncomfortable for them to admit that they had underlying trust issues. This is […]

Could you be having a better quality time?

My client held their day planner up to the camera during our Zoom session and pointed at their day: “Full, full, full.” It’s something I see a lot when working with clients, overloaded days, wishful thinking that ALL of it is going to get done TODAY. But… it’s not possible! The secret to getting it […]