Daiso is one of my all time favourite stores. It offers a great range of affordable Japanese products that often are only $2.80 unless otherwise labeled. A stroll through the aisles will often result in me coming away with a great range of solutions to problems or irritations that have been bubbling away in the back of my mind.
My most recent stroll unearthed these gems:
Tube squeezer – love love love! This squeezer gets every last bit out of product tubes. Toothpaste, makeup, creams… even art supplies!
Tension pole – the sky is the limit for this remarkable item. They can change storage areas (large or small) and can screen off unsightly areas or offer privacy. For more ideas see this great article from Apartment Therapy.
Wet wipe lid – keep your wipes moist and ready to go by applying a wet wipe lid (if it doesn’t originally come with one!).
Lint remover – freshen up clothing by using this lint remover which gently whirs over the material taking away any unsightly lint.
Extra Large Nail Clipper – I’ve been looking for a decent sized nail clipper for ages. And this one is perfect. I don’t have to clip several times to get one nail done plus the design is super cute!
Banana cutter – for that perfect cut banana look in a jiffy to throw over muesli or an ice-cream sundae this gadget is pretty nifty.