How to get a better night’s sleep by looking at what’s next to your bed

Beds are often said to be a place of peace and refuge which is why if your bedside is cluttered it may be contributing to not having the best of sleeps.

I keep my bedside clutter free by only keeping what I use when I’m in bed. This includes the book I am currently reading, my journal, my alarm clock (my phone in airplane mode), coconut oil (for my hands and feet), lip gloss, ear plugs, and my eye mask. Everything else calls somewhere else home.

I believe it’s incredibly important to extend the feeling of peace beyond the bed to the immediate surrounds. So ask yourself: what’s next to your bed? Do the things there support your bed’s job? Are there other places that some items should live?

Another way to increase the peace your bed radiates is to make it every day! Something I feel very strongly about.

What’s one thing you can focus on in this area that will ensure you have a peaceful experience turning in at night?


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