Organised kitchen
If your kitchen is feeling out of control (and you would rather have it as an organised kitchen), here are three things you can do to claim some calm back.
Tackle those Plastic Containers
This area is often a quick win. Gotta love that!
First step, pull out all the containers and start matching lids to bottoms. If any come up lonely – ditch them! If they’re recyclable, move them out of the house straight away.
Second step, take stock of what is left, do you have more than you could ever need? If so, keep enough to last you a week and recycle the rest. By having a limit on your containers it enforces a ‘return to the kitchen’ cycle, whether that be from work, rooms, bags or the fridge (full of leftovers).
Third step, make a call on freebie containers – yogurt pots, jars, and takeout containers. Do the proper containers cover your needs? If so recycle these.
Fourth step, keep like sizes with like and stack the containers inside one another. And let the drawer limit you how much you keep!
Pretty up the cooking utensils draw
Take everything out! And give that draw a wipe down. As you start picking items up ask yourself “when was it last used?”
If you can’t remember or it was a while ago, put this utensil aside and continue on; we’ll come back to these ones soon. Another few questions to ask is did it work? And is it in perfect condition? We don’t want any broken or useless instruments that make life harder.
Now ensure that the utensils that have returned back to the draw are in an orderly fashion. Can you use some of those plastic containers ready for recycle, as dividers and to give the draw some structure?
Now for those items that aren’t used all that often! One way to decide if you really need them is to pop them all in a container and observe over the span of a month what you use. Once you’ve needed something it gets to return to the draw with the other essential utensils. After one month, have a look at what you haven’t touched and move it along!
Take stock of dishes, mugs and pots and pans
Take a moment to have a think about the crockery and cooking tools used in your household. If the same ones always come out to work, put them aside and have a look at why the others aren’t being given a go. Do your favourites cover your needs? Can you cut back? How many do you realistically need if you were to have some guests over? Are there items that are cracked, chipped or just too far gone? By sifting through your collection and holding on to only what you need and love your kitchen will feel breezier and lighter than before.
Need help organising your kitchen? Let florandorder help.