Rethinking the speed at which we do things

I unexpectedly bumped into a new acquaintance of mine recently who apologised for having not responded to a text I’d sent. They said that they felt bad for having left the reply so long and then they felt too bad to reply that and then so much time had lapsed they felt silly. We laughed […]

Why is goal setting so important? Where do values come into time management?

Goal setting is the backbone of everything that you’re working towards. If we don’t know where we’re going, if we don’t know our destination, then we’re just wasting time every day on things that come our way. What I see often is that people focus on what has shown up rather than what they actually […]

Try out your options

I had an eye exam the other day. As the optometrist was asking me which lens was better, Option 1 or Option 2, I was reminded of the power that trying offers us. If you’ve had an eye exam yourself recently, you might recall that towards the end of the exam, when the options are […]

Get out in front of it

At the end of last year I collaborated with Jess Clair and released an eBook called Amplify the Introvert. It was a labour of love that we wrote, edited and formatted over Covid. It entertained us both for many hours (for which I’m thankful). The eBook aims to help small business owners fall in love […]

Developing habits for peace of mind

My back door is always locked. I lock it every time and clip the little chain that supports the lock. The back door also offers the only airflow through the apartment. Even if I plan to be home for the next few hours or even the rest of the day I’ll go through the whole […]

Getting stuff done when suffering low physical and mental energy

I was asked the following question recently… and thought that I’d share my response with you all as a reminder to be realistic with the time, energy and focus available to you through this ever-changing journey of life. Question For a client you encounter who is overwhelmed with a lot of things to do and […]

I used to dread Mondays. Here’s how I overcame that.

Before I ran my own business I worked in a traditional 9-5 pm role and really disliked Mondays. I’d get the Sunday blues very badly. Like VERY badly. Inner child throwing a tantrum bad. I then started my own business and thought “Great, I’m doing my own thing, doing work I love, helping awesome people, […]

Time Management myths and what are we getting wrong?

Not every productivity method is suitable for your job, type of task, or even your personality. There is so much material out there. There are methods and apps that all promise to help us get more time, to use time better, and to help us get on top of everything. Understandably, I often hear that […]