Accessories rule!
It may have become obvious from earlier articles that I have a lot of accessories (organising them is part of how I move into a new space and make my mark). I adore accessories. Truly, I think accessories rule! Often an outfit doesn’t feel complete to me until I’ve matched a necklace to it or thrown on a scarf.
My pieces come to life when matched with accessories. My grey cowl neck top, pictured here, absolutely pops with this orange necklace. The colour helps but it’s also the clash of the cluttered bead necklace against the conservative fabric that make the combination so exciting. The thing about accessories is that if you think it doesn’t go, it probably does! You just have to try it.
The same can be said to adding a funky handbag to a plain outfit. It adds personality and creates an interesting point for visual contemplation.
Accessories have also stretched my wardrobe budget further by often assisting in fighting the urge to buy new clothes. I can’t count the number of times that someone who regularly sees me, has complimented me on a piece that they just saw the week before. The only difference being the accessories.
Accessories are an economical way to explore trends. When you want to have fun with new styles and colours, try it through a purse, shoes or jewellery first. Buy trends cheaply (from op shops are a great place to start) so you’re not kicking yourself if you happen to grow bored of it. And if you never do then you may wish to consider upgrading to a more pricey version. Treat yo self!
Exploring trends through accessories also assists in getting finding out what suits you. Issues such as a colour not suiting your skin or a whole look not quite meshing with you or your body can be explored easily.
Case in point, neon colours. The necklace to the left was my way of embracing the trend without having to wear, what I considered, too much neon for my skin to handle.
Something else to consider with accessories is that you can adapt them. Make them your own as I did with this necklace.
During my last trip to the States, my favourite souvenir came about because of adaptation. Our tour group was spending far too much time at an obscure tourist shop. I was bored. And in a state of boredom, I picked up a basic wood ring that I normally wouldn’t have chosen. I popped it on my right ring finger and half expected to hear angels singing (or you know… something to say that I’d found something special), but no, it sat there looking all thin and pathetic.
I reached for another one and slipped it on, and then, THEN the angels started singing. Luckily they were two bucks each so I bought both and haven’t ever worn them apart. Putting my own spin on these rings is what makes them dear to me – that and the fact that you don’t argue with angels.